Supporting Research on Fortified Salt
Fortified salts with iodine, folic acid, and vitamin B12 are improving the health of Ethiopian women, supported by ReachAnother’s funding.
Faruk’s Story
Baby Faruk’s birth defect turned his family’s world upside down. At 14 days old, he had life-saving surgery but faced months of struggle—stigma, financial strain, and hospital stays.
A Community Champion
Semira shares her story about her 4th child, Eklas, being born with Spina Bifida. She is raising community awareness to help other families.
Yakob’s Journey
Our Country Director of Ethiopia, Yakob shares his journey with ReachAnother starting back in 2016 when he met Drs. Dick and Jan Koning that started the amazing partnership.
Dr. Nebiyat Tesfaye’s Story
Dr. Nebiyat Tesfaye was born with spina bifida and shares his journey overcoming challenges to help his community and pursue a career in medicine.
Small in Size, Big in Impact
In a big step toward transforming pediatric healthcare in Ethiopia, the Central Oregon-based nonprofit organization, ReachAnother Foundation, is spearheading the launch of the first stand-alone, state-of-the-art, Pediatric Neurosurgery Center in Ethiopia.
Little Boy Learning to Walk
An inspiring story of a strong boy who has been bravely facing challenges with spina bifida. Here is is story of him learning to walk.
Spina Bifida Solution Hiding in Plain Site
Discover the hidden solution to prevent spina bifida. Learn how our partners at Rotary are tackling neural tube defects globally.
CBN City Spotlight Article
Cascade Business News spotlights ReachAnother’s Dr. Marinus Koning for his humanitarian contributions in Ethiopia in the last 12 years. He has helped create a brighter future.