Meet Semira Mohammed: A Community Champion In a remote rural area of eastern Ethiopia, Semira Mohammed’s life took an unexpected turn when she gave birth to her fourth child, Eklas. During her pregnancy, the entire family and their relatives were excited and...
Yakob’s Journey With ReachAnother My journey with ReachAnother Foundation has been nothing short of remarkable, filled with meaningful connections, transformative experiences, and a shared commitment to improving healthcare outcomes for children affected by...
Dr. Nebiyat Tesfaye’s Story My Life Birth I’m Nebiyat Tesfaye, born on March 19, 1993. I came into this world with spina bifida, a condition that required surgery right after birth. It took three attempts to successfully operate on me, and after 20 days in...
Small In Size, Big In Impact REACHANOTHER FOUNDATION, SMALL IN SIZE, BIG IN IMPACT: LAUNCHING PEDIATRIC NEUROSURGEY CENTER AT ZEWDITU HOSPITAL IN ETHIPOIA. Bend, Oregon, January 12, 2024 – In a big step toward transforming pediatric healthcare in Ethiopia, the...
Little Boy Learning to Walk This is the inspiring story of a courageous 6-year-old boy who has been bravely facing challenges with spina bifida and hydrocephalus. Over the past several years, he has been receiving regular follow-up care at St. Peter Specialized...
A SOLUTION HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT A shipment of folic acid arrives in Ethiopia for a global grant-supported project. Article featured in Rotary Magazine. The highlands of Ethiopia are filled with lentil farms. It’s a mighty legume rich in the natural form of folate, a...
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